I don't know what to do after UBD. Well, I know I need get job as soon as the exams end because I cannot depend on my parents anymore and I have a holiday trip with my friends in July. My parents have given me more than enough financial support.
From the start of my undergraduate year in 2008, I have known that pursuing Masters is the right thing to do because I am the type of person who does things halfway. If I get a job first, then the idea of pursuing Masters is definitely out of the window.
I talked to my mum & she seems fine with the idea. However, my dad retired from his job last year and everyone knows that money does not grow from trees.
We have a family business though and maybe I'll just sit around in my parents' shop and greet customers. Just maybe.
Sometimes I wish life decisions can be determined by just flipping a coin. Head: 'pursue Masters'. Tail: 'get a job soon'.
I wish.
I think it is probably quite rare for orang putih to use given names for their parents. I call my mother 'Mother'; and my children call me and my wife 'Ba' and 'Ma'. My guess is that the most common names for parents are Mum and Dad.