
This is a filler post.

To be honest, this post is just to fulfill the 'blog-twice-a-week' mission because Chinese New Year is on Monday (or Sunday)! I know I won't have the time to write a post after tomorrow.
I want angpow. 

I have been so immersed with assignments and watching TV series that I forgot CNY is coming soon.

On the other hand, I still have not decided between Phonology and Bilingualism. Being indecisive is my thing. I change my mind in split second which annoys my siblings very much.  

This week, I learnt that lady's finger is also called ...


I got it while watching Everyday Exotic. I should stop watching TV and read more tabloids/ magazines academic books.

Happy Chinese New Year everybody! 


  1. The twice-a-week instruction is just a guide. It's up to you, really. Just remember that the final exam has a question about your blog.

    But the fact that you find it hard to think of what to say is kind of interesting in itself. Why do some people have loads and loads to say, and others have little?

    I personally find it easy to write, but I find it hard to participate orally in social events. Many people are the other way round. Why is that?

    Have a good Chinese New Year.

  2. I think this is the same theory as children who walk first will speak later and those who utter a word first will learn to walk at a later stage. They cannot acquire both at the same time.

    I find it easier to talk and sometimes, I talk too much. I like writing. But, only in my private diary. I do not feel comfortable revealing every single thought.

    People are just born different.

    Thanks and have a Happy Chinese New Year to you and your wife.
