
Uni kampung

I am new to this. i read other people's blogs but have never intended to set up one for myself. 

Last Thursday (12.01), we had our first EL 4306 class at ICTC. There were questions whether the class will be held at the new ICTC or the old ICTC. We (at least, three of us) decided to go to the new building.

When my coursemate, Zyda, and I were waiting at the new place, we had a conversation, more or less like the one below:

Me: Lawa oh sini  (It's pretty here).
Zyda: Awu, macam uni banar (Yes, it looks like a real university).
Me: Campus tani macam uni kampung (Our campus looks like a village's university).

Hehe. I am still grateful, though =)

1 comment:

  1. I just hope the trek up the hill doesn't turn out too arduous!
